Saturday, February 4, 2012

Unity Assignment

This image shows unity with proximity because of where the trees are located. They are in single file lines and are certain distances from each other, width and length wise. It is very organized and well put together.

Repetition (emphasis on similarity)
This piece show repetition through similarity. The only colors are black and white, and the only shapes are circles. They look the same, but either made bigger/smaller or changed "direction".

Repetition (emphasis on variety)

  One of the most popular examples of repetition is this piece. It has Marilyn Monroe's head in each rectangle, but with different varieties of colors for each head.

The continuation in the piece would have to be the telephone poles, going into the distance.

Grid as Organizing Factor
The grid is used very well with this piece in showing different objects of different color, but putting them in chromatic order, from warm to cool colors.

Chaotic, Unreadable Image
The colors in this are very beautiful, even though it isn't supposed to be anything.

Non-Objective Expression
The organic shapes make this a non-objective art piece. ((No real objects))

Figurative Expression
While this is figurative, since it is art that is supposed to be something real.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the Non Objective. I like how the line in the middle creates seperation between the 2 colors.
